Human Resource Services
About the School District
The District is composed of six elementary schools (K-5), three middle schools (6-8), and one comprehensive high school (9-12). District enrollment is approximately 9,900 students, 26% Caucasian, 61% Asian, and 10% Hispanic.
Students receive numerous academic awards and recognition for artistic performance and compete successfully in many local and state academic competitions. Arcadia High School is at the 99 percentile in California for the number of students taking advanced placement exams.
The Arcadia Unified School District management philosophy is to empower school sites to address the unique needs of their school and community and to involve staff, students, parents and the community as appropriate in planning, decision making, and accountability for student success.
Arcadia's location affords easy access to many educational institutions and cultural facilities found in the Los Angeles area. The region's mild climate and close proximity to the Sierra Madre Mountains and magnificent California coastline provide abundant recreational opportunities and contribute to its attractiveness as a place to live and work. Near Arcadia, there are 23 parks and golf courses and 10 colleges/universities within a 30-mile radius. Arcadia is located an hour or less from mountains, beaches, deserts, the Music Center, Hollywood, and Disneyland.
The District is composed of six elementary schools (K-5), three middle schools (6-8), and one comprehensive high school (9-12). District enrollment is approximately 9,900 students, 26% Caucasian, 61% Asian, and 10% Hispanic.
Students receive numerous academic awards and recognition for artistic performance and compete successfully in many local and state academic competitions. Arcadia High School is at the 99 percentile in California for the number of students taking advanced placement exams.
The Arcadia Unified School District management philosophy is to empower school sites to address the unique needs of their school and community and to involve staff, students, parents and the community as appropriate in planning, decision making, and accountability for student success.
Arcadia's location affords easy access to many educational institutions and cultural facilities found in the Los Angeles area. The region's mild climate and close proximity to the Sierra Madre Mountains and magnificent California coastline provide abundant recreational opportunities and contribute to its attractiveness as a place to live and work. Near Arcadia, there are 23 parks and golf courses and 10 colleges/universities within a 30-mile radius. Arcadia is located an hour or less from mountains, beaches, deserts, the Music Center, Hollywood, and Disneyland.
Employment Opportunities and Information:
Local Colleges/Universities with approved Teacher Preparation Programs
Contact Us:
150 S. Third Avenue
Arcadia, CA 91006
(626) 821-6627
Assistant Superintendent, Human Resource Services
Senior Administrative Assistant
Human Resources Technician
Human Resource Analyst (Classified Staff)
Human Resource Analyst (Certificated Staff)
Welcoming our new teachers and staff for our New Educator Academy Draft!