Learning Continuity & Attendance Plan, Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

What is the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF): 

In June of 2013, the Legislature approved Gov. Jerry Brown's Local Control Funding Formula, the most sweeping education funding reform in decades. The LCFF represents a historic shift in how California funds public schools. With a focus on local decision-making, equity, accountability and transparency, it lays the foundation for local education agencies to improve student outcomes and close the achievement gap. The new system has an eight-year implementation plan, with 2013-14 as the transition year.



What is the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP): 

The LCAP is a critical part of the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Each school district must engage parents, educators, employees and the community to establish these plans. The plans will describe the school district’s overall vision for students, annual goals and specific actions the district will take to achieve the vision and goals. The LCAPs must focus on eight areas identified as state priorities. The plans will also demonstrate how the district’s budget will help achieve the goals, and assess each year how well the strategies in the plan were able to improve outcomes.

Stakeholder Engagement
The LCAP has provided additional opportunities to engage all stakeholder groups in a more meaningful way and to align priorities with the district resources. AUSD's LCAP consultation and engagement process not only meets the legal requirements but continues to create opportunities for many people to participate in providing input and feedback as needs are identified, and a plan is developed to meet the needs of Arcadia's school community. This is done in multiple forms including School Site Council (SSC), District English Learner Advisory (DELAC), school site English Learner Advisories (ELAC), Title I Advisory, Safety Advisory, Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), Bargaining Units, District Surveys (Thoughtexchange/UCSD), Community Engagement Nights, District LCAP Parent Advisory (DPAC), School Leadership Teams, and various special interest groups/committees.  District level advisories must include representation from all unduplicated populations and students with disabilities.  Students are involved in these advisories and always participate in Thoughtexchange outreach.  Information and feedback is aggregated for the DELAC, DPAC, Bargaining Units and Community Engagement nights as these groups provide input at the broader District level.  This allows for vertical and horizontal alignment of the LCAP.  
The Superintendent responds annually, in writing, to the comments made during stakeholder engagement meetings.

Educational Partners - LCAP Advisory Committee Meetings

Based on feedback from our educational partners, it was determined that all partners prefer to meet in a joint collaborative group rather than separately.  Participants strongly believe that meetings are more productive and meaningful when we meet as a whole.  All educational partner groups commented that hearing from different groups broadened their perspective and created space for more informed discussions.  Thus, we have established our LCAP Advisory Committee (LAC).  The LAC includes a representative group of members that includes: school administrators, parents representing all sub-groups, teachers, PTA leadership, Bargaining Unit leadership, district administrators, classified staff, board members, and students. LAC membership is open to all that are interested in participating. If you are interested in joining the LAC please contact your school's principal or the Office of Educational Services.


2024-25 LAC meeting dates are:



For meeting information please contact [email protected]



The 2024-25 Draft LCAP is available for review

DRAFT 2024-25 LCAP

Public Comments may be made at the June 11th Board Meeting.




September 1, 2020 

Dear Arcadia Family,

On behalf of the Arcadia Unified School District, it is with great enthusiasm and gratitude in which I recognize our community’s effort, dedication, and commitment to our Local Control Accountability Planning (LCAP) process. This year, we experienced a change in the document and were tasked with completing the Local Continuity and Attendance Plan (Continuity Plan).  I want to personally thank each of you for your time and thoughtful questions and responses in adjusting to this new plan. I especially want to thank each member for serving on the many advisory committees throughout our district and schools that help inform our district’s planning.  Also, thank you to all members that participated in our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), Continuity Plan, District Parent Advisory Committee (DPAC) and District English Learner Advisory (DELAC), as well as our LCAP Bargaining Units Advisory. Our district is leading the nation in reforming education to meet the learning needs of your children and our students to prepare each individual to be uniquely prepared to become the leaders of tomorrow. 

My LCAP/Continuity Plan Steering Committee, cabinet, and the board of education have carefully reviewed the comments and feedback provided on the 2020-2021 draft of our LCAP. My response to your thoughts and guidance is based on a collaborative, cross-curricular, inter-departmental conversation, and analysis. Consideration was given to all thoughts and ideas on the wide variety of topics that were brought up during advisory meetings. The input provided was insightful and serves to guide our decision making. Each of you who participates helps to ensure that our plan addresses the needs of all of our students and assists in our prioritization of limited resources.

Thank you again for contributing to the continuous improvement of the Arcadia Unified School District, its schools, and most importantly our students. Our results speak to the effectiveness of our collaborative efforts. Our award-winning elementary schools set the educational foundation for every student to build upon. Our exceptional middle schools create a caring safe learning environment for students to mature, grow, and expand their knowledge. Rancho Learning Center offers a variety of programs for students that may need alternative educational opportunities. Arcadia High School, which is ranked in the top 2% of high schools in California, prepares and graduates our students who go on to prestigious colleges and Ivy League schools.  I could not be prouder of any organization. It is a pleasure to serve and partner with each of you. 

With Gratitude,


David Vannasdall



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