Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I find out if an address is within the Arcadia School District boundaries?

You may start by viewing the school boundary map but please call 626-821-6617 to verify an address. You may also purchase your own copy of the boundary map at the front desk of the Arcadia Education Center, 150 South Third Avenue, Arcadia. The cost of the map is $4.


2. I would like to enroll my child for school in AUSD. Where do I start?

We now utilize an online enrollment form and all TK-12 new enrollments are done at the AEC.  All enrollment information can be found here.


Initial steps to enroll are:


(A) Verify that you reside within the AUSD boundaries or you may apply for an interdistrict permit following our PERMIT PROCESS. See AUSD permits for more information. 


(B) Prior to completing the online enrollment form, gather all required documents for new student registration and enrollment.  YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ENROLL WITHOUT ENROLLMENT DOCUMENTS WHICH WILL DELAY BEING ABLE TO REGISTER IN A SCHOOL. Please verify you have all required immunizations before submitting an enrollment form. See Required Documents for more information.



3. I am interested in being employed by the Arcadia Unified School District.  How can I find out about job openings?


Job openings are posted under the Human Resource Services section of the AUSD website. Openings are listed for both Certificated and Classified positions.  

4. I work for a school district or organization that would like to visit Arcadia Unified. How may I schedule a visit?
Visit requests from educators, school district administration teams, and organizations can be completed by filling out our Visit Request Form here.
5. Do Arcadia students involved with activity fundraisers solicit door-to-door?

Student door-to-door solicitation for fundraising activities is no longer allowed.