Arcadia Transit Bus Service Change

Arcadia Unified Parents,


We wanted to pass along some information from the City of Arcadia that might be of interest to you. Arcadia Transit is changing its services effective June 16, 2016. It was originally scheduled to change on February 28, 2016. Its “Dial-a-Ride” service will now only be offered to senior citizens and people with disabilities. The “Dial-a-Ride” is the “door to door” service that some of our students currently use for transportation from school to home. The City will, however, have a new fixed-route/fixed-scheduled bus service that will be available to the general public. The city will be announcing those routes and schedules within two weeks. You can visit their website for updates and more information.


Arcadia Unified School District does not have state funding to provide home to school bus transportation, but we do provide transportation through our fee based busing program. If there is enough interest from particular neighborhoods, we will be willing to consider additional routes. In order for a new route service to be considered and to be financially viable, it would require a minimum of 20 students from a particular area. If you are interested in this, please fill out the bus application that is attached and return it to the address listed on top of the application as soon as possible.  

For further information about Arcadia Transit please call (626) 574-5435 and see the attached flyer.