Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and First Grade Information


The Governing Board encourages the enrollment and appropriate placement of all school-aged children in school.  Before enrolling any child in a district school, the Registrar must verify the child's age, residency, immunization, and other applicable eligibility criteria specified in law, the accompanying administrative regulation, or other applicable Board policy or administrative regulation.  These requirements can be found on the Registration Page and to the right.



All students are required to have an oral health assessment (routine dental check-up) by May 31 of their first year in public school (California law, Education Code Section 49452.8).
If students have not had a routine dental check-up, they will need to schedule one and have their dental provider complete the form.
If students have had a routine dental exam in the past 12 months this will meet the requirement, but their dental provider will still need to complete the form.
The letter and the required form can be found on the right.


A child who will have reached the age of six years on or before September 1 of the current school year shall be eligible for enrollment in the first grade. (Education Code 48010)


California law requires that all children entering first grade must have received a comprehensive health screening within 18 months prior to or within 90 days after entering first grade.  Our school district offers vision and hearing screening examinations only.  Please read the letter (to the right) regarding Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) for more information.  You will also find the CHDP Health Exam Report to the right.  This can be printed and brought to your healthcare provider doing the exam.


Arcadia Unified School District (AUSD) also provides a selection of educational options for students entering pre-primary levels based on the student’s date of birth. The District offers two distinct Kindergarten programs to meet individual students’ needs.
Our traditional Kindergarten program has a rigorous academic focus and addresses all of the California Department of Education Kindergarten Content Standards between August and June. Traditional Kindergarten is available to children who reach the age of five years old on or before September 1 of the current school year.
A second program option, Transitional Kindergarten (TK), is available for those children who will reach the age of five years old between September 2 and June 2. Transitional Kindergarten allows children “the gift of time” – an additional year to grow and learn in an environment that supports differences in growth and maturity rates.  Students who turn 5 after June 2 must wait until the next school year to enroll.
For more information on ways to prepare your child for school, see the Parent's Guide to Preparing for Kindergarten.  A letter to parents with information about Transitional Kindergarten is also available to the right.  Dates and additional information about enrolling your child in AUSD are available to the right.
We welcome all incoming Kindergarten students to K-Camp a no-fee Kindergarten Summer School Program.  This is an introductory program designed to help students transition to Kindergarten in AUSD Elementary Schools.  You will receive information on how to register for K-Camp during your enrollment meeting.
For more information and dates, please see the K-Camp Flyer for the 2024-25 school year:
Kindergarten Round-Up 2024
The Arcadia Kindergarten Round-Up is for all students enrolled in kindergarten for the 24-25 School year.  You must enroll to participate.  This is a special time for you and your child to receive individualized attention and for your child to take a series of Kinder readiness assessments. These measures help our Kindergarten teachers to better meet the needs of your child as they enter kindergarten.  Participating allows your child a head start because the teacher will already have important information about your child on the very first day of school.  
Appointments are available during the last weeks of May 2024.  
*For current AUSD TK students, readiness assessment appointments will be through the current AUSD TK teacher.