California Administrative Services Credential Induction Program

Arcadia Unified School District CASC Induction Program 
Purpose Statement: To challenge and inspire students to make a positive and profound impact on their world. 
Vision Statement: Ensure the growth and proficiency of candidates who demonstrate proficiency in California’s Professional Standards for Educational Leaders, resulting in equitable environments with diverse learners that challenge and inspire students to make a positive and profound impact on their world.
CASC Program Requirements: 
  • Enroll in a program within the first year of the issuance of their preliminary administrative services credential.
  • Must have a preliminary administrative services credential or certificate of eligibility. 
  • Agree to enter a 2-year CASC Induction program within 120 days of starting an initial administrative position that requires an Administrative Services Credential. 
  • Work with a coach throughout the 2-year program.
  • Attend program orientaiton
  • Complete an Individual Induction Plan
  • Participate in a minimum of 30 hours of professional learning
  • Participate in a minimum of 40 hours of coaching dialogues
  • Complete all assessments for the program.
  • Complete two years of successful experience in a full-time administrative position. 

CASC is an individualized, job-embedded, two-year program. The Induction Coach for the Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC) is a part-time position at Arcadia Unified School District. The Induction Coach will work closely with CASC induction educational leader candidates, currently in a full-time administrative position, who are in the program to clear their Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. As required by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), this primarily coaching-based program includes an individual induction plan, professional learning opportunities, and ongoing assessment. 

CASC Induction Coach Qualification:

  • Possess a valid CA Clear Administrator credential
  • Have 3+ years of administrator experience with demonstrated success in improving achievement and closing the achievement gap
    • current knowledge of the content;
    • knowledge of the current context of public schooling, including the California adopted P12 content standards, frameworks, and accountability systems
    • demonstration of effective professional practices in teaching and learning, scholarship, and service.
  • Have extensive experience in staff development
  • Have a proven record of improving student achievement
  • Demonstrated success in developing and implementing hiring, evaluation, and professional development strategies and activities that ensure a high-quality teaching and administrative staff
  • Knowledge of diversity in society, including diverse abilities, culture, language, ethnicity, and gender orientation
Additional inquiries regarding coaching can be directed to Andrea Mendoza, [email protected]
For program questions, please contact Andrea Mendoza, Ed.D. via email at [email protected]
For credentialing questions, please contact Stephanie Paz via email at [email protected]